
I'm halfway done with "Fluoride" and I think it might be the worst episode of Parks I've ever seen. Nobody in this show makes any sense anymore. Also, why the heck doesn't the black counselmember with a foot in reality speak up against Jamm and the other idiots (including the old guy who very originally blames

NIU's coach had a funny little interview going into halftime. For context, their kicker missed 3 field goal attempts in the 1st half.

I feel like he's in a constant state of performance art, effectively removing his humanity for a constant facade.

Vampire and Werewolf mythology sure makes a lot of sense now.

So I listened to the latest Harmontown expecting a nice little interview catching up with John Oliver and instead I got a twenty minute rant about aliens. Granted it was followed up by John Oliver trying to imitate American accents, but still. I wasn't sure to laugh or be upset.


Is the new layout better on mobile? Because on my computer I want to kill it. Kill it dead. Like with a stone.


Season 4 & 5 had some incredible finales. Season 4 had a great emotional waterfall, but Season 5 just completely blew my mind.

Parks spoilers… not that anyone cares

I haven't done very much research into the matter, though I have read this particular article (written by OSC). I thought this was the big one that sparked all his controversy, but again I haven't exactly dug deep into the matter. Is this the article you're talking about?

I wouldn't call them numb so much as giving me a completely legitimate reason to skip seeing it for as long as possible. Whoever gave the OK to show the freaking end of the movie in the trailer is the biggest of dicks.

I know a lot of people really dislike the guy now for legitimate reasons, but I'm honestly more upset about the story not getting a worthwhile adaptation. I read the books before I knew about OSC's controversial beliefs, so I find myself committed to the actual story rather than who was responsible for writing it.

So Duncan is leaving the Daily Show?

This is a joke right?

I used to think the laugh track itself was the problem I had with multi-camera shows, but now I feel much more critical of how it is used poorly in terms of pacing.

Are there any Single Camera shows with laugh tracks nowadays? And if there isn't one, why? And what was the most recent show to have this format?

The only time I've ever actually "liked" Jamm was when he interrupted the wedding that was shoehorned into the previous season. Sure it was kinda forced in there, but at least it let the audience know Jamm might actually have some issues outside of always being a dick for no particular reason.

PaintyFilms watches Mad Men for the first time