
I did this once, though it was with a candy bar.

What specifically did she say?

I love that Season 4 is the only Community season to go over-budget. (according to Dan)

Yeah I feel like I'm in this boat. I really do like reading all the stuff everyone posts though.

I'm only excited about Florida State because it makes Northern Illinois look fairly decent after last year's bowl game. Or at least 3 quarters of it.

There are also a ridiculous amount of wheelchair related attempts at humor in that article…

I've actively been avoiding anything related to him. I don't know; every time I have the opportunity to become interested in something he does I just get turned off by how inorganically I came to find out about it. Plus everything about stuff I've read about him just praises his work based on name rather than content.

Am I the only one who has completely avoided any and all Banksy-related things thus far in his/her life?

That "counterbalance reality with things that defy it" line really grabbed me.

Inflection is soooooooooo interesting.

Perhaps this is what Donald was talking about…

I've been gone all day so this is my first time interacting with this thing.

Has Harmontown been revealing any Community-related stories lately? I stopped listening to the episodes a few weeks ago and I unfortunately don't have time to dedicate to catching up.

So John Oliver was the voice of Sherlock Holmes in the Gravity Falls "Headhunters" episode. That is all.

I could not watch the new NBC comedies premiere because the Browns/Bills game was on. Today was a good day.

I don't think I will ever understand Chicago Fire's popularity. I know absolutely no one who watches or talks about this show.


I can't get over how much I loved the final shot.

I was actually confused by that at first in terms of motivation. In retrospect I guess it makes sense because she was a threat to Skyler, but overall Lydia just seems like an innocent bystander when propped up beside the likes of Jack & Todd. She's essentially Gus-lite… or even Heisenberg-lite, but I never really felt