
The word I would use to describe that is acceptable.

Walter White bargaining. Hoo boy.

Give the guy a break, time travel is reeeeeally hard to write about!



I feel like Gus didn't actually have that ruthlessness until his friend was killed in the Cartel meeting. Jesse now has his "Gus" moment.

I'd love for Jesse to "break good", but at this point I think it's more likely he becomes the next Gus. The series was supposed to be about Walt breaking bad, but maybe Jesse is just more broken than him at this point.

@avclub-09a0aabb73e345f3b2ad865bc4fc1b28:disqus A lot. But I have family members who save tons of shit (including 35 eps of Parks and the 2010 World Series) who don't want to delete them.

That's a very synthesized version of Bernard Herrmann's theme from "Psycho" for anyone who's wondering.

I'm actually recording specific episodes, but my DVR just doesn't have that much space for the entire series.

My DVR very nearly recorded the entire series of Breaking Bad. 

I caught about 2 minutes towards the end. There were a ridiculous amount of unnecessary dramatic "twists" in a span of about 20 seconds. I wanted to punch something.

These last few episodes really would've benefited from having more time. Everything in this episode seemed like logical continuations from last week's mayhem, but we just didn't have enough time to dwell on everything and get the full force.

Browns are… beating the Vikings?

'Lockup,' by 'Community' Star Joel McHale

For a second there I thought this was saying "Dexter's final season is terrible. And on another note, Breaking Bad is completely ruined now"

"About a Boy" might slide into Thursdays once "Sean" and "Family" fail. But that won't happen until midseason.

The way TV is going, if NBC doesn't pick it up I could certainly see Netflix or Hulu step in to produce 13 episodes.

They couldn't even wait until later in the season!