
I am extremely disappointed no one has mentioned the Knork yet.

Hernandez is a New England Patriot, so it's a local story. The whole town is specifically buzzing about that guy. I'm not saying it's a more important story, but with regards to news organizations mottos of "if it bleeds it reads", it makes sense that the Hernandez story would trump the gay rights one.

As someone who will only buy that DVD just for Dan's commentary, I disagree. I have absolutely no motivation to watch Season 4 again.

I wasn't even aware of this show up until reading this. Come to think of it, I don't think I watch anything on CBS that isn't sports.

Really? I always assumed Chevy got paid the most just based on his net worth and name. Plus his name is last in the credits.

Does anyone know exactly how much money Community is going to save now that Chevy is out of the main cast? I'm talking about his salary, not the money they'll probably save thanks to a lack of production headaches he is often a part of.

I'm up for it. No preferences on any episodes though; just give me the leftovers that no one wants if there's any left.

I got to be a camera guy at a wedding today! It's not as exciting as it sounds, but it was a lot more fun than just sitting through it.

I agree any of the Bioshock series games would be great options. Infinite is especially intriguing story-wise just based on Colombia's ability to amplify very realistic feelings of that time period (racism/racial equality, "purity", religious/cult-like fanaticism). Even the Vox were an example of the other side's

Spongebob Squarepants?

Ignore this! I'm a fool!

Hannibal lasted an extremely long time without this happening. And even when it did, it was quickly extinguished for the very logical reason that the main character is extremely unstable. I think there was only one instance (between only two characters) the entire season of this happening as well.


Well that was one of the most brutally beautiful things I've ever seen. Operatic really is the adjective to use for this show (and characters). Perhaps best of all is that we didn't get the typical gory shot of a victim; it's all left to the imagination. THANKS FULLER, REALLY APPRECIATE THAT.

So if I click to see who liked my posts some people come up as "None". Is it doing this for anyone else?

If I remember correctly it was mostly his kids that motivated him into doing it. They wanted him to be more involved in Hollywood again, and he in turn wanted to feel like he was providing for his family.

That is definitely one of my favorite TV shows of all time. Everything in it is just visual perfection, and the way they express all the little themes and motifs of the "coming of age" storyline is incredibly original and effective.