
So apparently Xbone is going to do a complete 180 on all the shit people were complaining about? (DRM, 24 hour internet requirement)

I'm surprised more TV shows don't do credits like this (or Cowboy Bebop). It allows the audience to experience context for the characters and universe before anything even happens.

Donald probably knows acting is a better career move, but he also probably just enjoys the rapping more. Live shows, creative freedom, world tours; it's very different from the repetitive nature of TV. I'm not surprised he likes being Gambino more than being Donald Glover. This is the same guy who left 30 Rock after

Ken Levine is doing Logan's Run? I'm okay with this. If it actually gets finished and has some success maybe someone will be more willing to let him pursue the Bioshock film again.

Masahiro Sakurai. Looks like he's in high school. Is actually 42.

I don't really mind the Harmon comments because I thought they were hilarious. He's clearly a guy that doesn't have much of a filter. And more accurately, he was definitely drinking at the time of recording. Most of the Harmontown podcasts (which are hilarious even if you just listen for the D&D segments) are recorded

Is… is it possible to own one of those?

Full time. I was kinda caught off guard by the phone interview request; not something I'm familiar with in terms of teacher interviews. I always figured interviewing in-person or Skype is the superior method if you really want to get to know your potential hire. Whatevs, I'm just happy to finally have one.

I got my first teaching job interview tomorrow! It's a phone interview which is a bit odd… but it's better than nothing! WOOOO

I was a little disappointed they didn't bring back the "Writing Tips" segment from last week. That music kills me every time.

Also very funny to me, Erin Mcgathy seems to dislike Season 4 more than Dan. I think her lead in to it was saying "yesterday we were watching this really shitty TV show all day".

It's kinda cool to hear Harmon talk about how Panama and Gardevoir essentially got in over their heads but still wanted to be loyal to the hardcore Community fans. Part of him essentially wants to do what those two were supposed to do, which is just make a nice little show that would annoy hardcore fans a bit but pick

I'm just going to assume this is somehow related to Hannibal.

PaintyFilms watches Tucker and Dale vs. Evil for the first time

Flash really does seem like the Iron Man of DC. I'm saying this as someone who only knows much of Flash from the animated Justice League series. Much like Iron Man, they really need to cast him perfectly for it to work.

I get that writing for Superman is difficult since he's pretty much indestructible, but it's not impossible. Even the animated series of the 90s had some great stories that would've stood better against this film's final cut. Shame too, because Zod's story had a lot of potential that was just wasted.

Saw Man of Steel (non 3D). It's… okay. Very slightly above average. (C+ or B- I guess)

I had to look up what Kobayashi Maru was, but yeah that's pretty awesome.

Microsoft and the NSA scandal really created the perfect storm.