
PaintyFilms watches Twin Peaks for the first time

PaintyFilms watches Twin Peaks for the first time

I can kinda relate. I had grandparents and great grandparents who were heavy drinkers, and now everyone in my family doesn't have a great opinion about it. My Grandpa's cousin was actually a really smart and successful guy (Went to West Point, apparently roomed with Buzz Aldrin) but died of alcohol & smoking related

PaintyFilms watches Twin Peaks for the first time

Don't get a 7 and 7.

PaintyFilms watches Twin Peaks for the first time

PaintyFilms watches Twin Peaks for the first time

The wrap up is much better than the build up.

This was a great start to my morning. Thanks for sharing!

All the shots with her mom really do stick out like that. The recurring shot of the staircase with the fan that is never turned off is especially terrifying.

PaintyFilms watches Twin Peaks for the first time

My sister calls it the best romantic comedy of all time.


For the German episode there's a lot to fix. I think the point of the original episode was supposed to be that the group's self importance often gets in the way of Greendale itself. They tried to tie a bow around the ending by having the group remodel and refurbish Greendale (groan).

Either AITF or the German episode just based on how bad they were.

Agree on the Russos if just for the superior visual component of the show. Later seasons are harder to watch for me. I'm assuming Season 3 needed to be shot "closer" and more vibrant due to the increasingly inward look at all the characters, but it unfortunately made me much more aware I was watching a TV show. (as

Community already has the much desired syndication, and Sony/NBC got it there cheaper than they would under Harmon thanks to Season 4. Now they can keep adding to the episode numbers to get more out of syndication without worrying too much about creative decisions. With Chevy's big name out of the way it also opens up

Also, a movie.

Maybe it's because I've been jerked around on this with all the rumors, but I'm still not buying it.