
Drive was pretty great. A bit anticlimactic and short, but ultimately a beautifully produced film.

Now that I finally have Netflix, what are some things I should definitely check out? I don't watch a lot of TV/movies so this is sort of my big time to splurge with marathon viewing. I'm finally going to watch Drive right now, and later this week I'm probably going to try to finish House of Cards or Twin Peaks.

cue Deadline/AV Club articles in 3…2…

Eh. Each episode has its own pretty gruesome act/visual on par or even worse than this. If you ask me, there's not much point in ranking them. That said, it's a very organic show with very little cheap "shock" tricks. Lots of things will make you feel uneasy, and that's actually pretty amazing.

Absolutely. After regarding empathy in a negative connotation with Will for nearly the entire season it was amazing to see him truly empathize in a much healthier way with a mentally ill person in order to save them. (that's an unnecessarily long sentence)

I love that the scariest Hannibal episode thus far was punctuated by the most touching moment of the series for me.


Boy, if someone thought that watermark was some sort of required legal stipulation of using old footage originally broadcast by FOX they'd probably feel pretty dumb right now.

Eddie Pepitone (other janitor) was the "pawn restaurant" judge-guy who had a a surprising amount of hilarious off camera lines.

So here's what Joel is apparently going to be up to soon.

So I got to substitute as a music teacher today. I was excited because music is what I want to teach and I don't get to sub for it that often. Upon arriving at the school I found out the guy I was subbing for had a nervous breakdown of sorts and would be out the rest of the week… and also the kids concert which was

Eh. I'm not comfortable ranking these two. Both have their own strengths and weaknesses, but I really love both.

The only way this can be improved is if it's just a constantly random slew of actors playing Pierce. In other words, every week Pierce is played by a different actor/actress in the same costume.

I think people might feel this way because she's essentially playing the straight (wo)man in the relationship. Tobias is the wacky crazy guy and she's acting as a foot in reality calling him out on the ridiculousness of his ideas. Having a drug addict as the Greg to Tobias' Dharma didn't seem to work out. Had she been


First month of Netflix is free! (I just got Netflix solely for Arrested Development)

My brother saw it last night and also did not like it. He usually laughs at pretty simple things, so for him to find it not funny is a bit notable.

At first I thought this trailer featuring our favorite Gilbert/Gus was for a movie.

Maybe it's an acronym or abbreviation for something?