
I really have no idea what to say about them. A lot of things seemed so unearned this season that I barely recognize anything as "growth". It doesn't help that the last two episode of the season turned out to be somewhat meaningless explorations.

Aww I'm special enough to be included in that? Yay!

We have cool new uniforms?

I feel like it's more of a historical landmark for the medium. Sort of like Citizen Kane in that it created a new standard for what could be done, but compared to later films it can be seen as somewhat overrated. (that analogy is based on stuff I've heard about Citizen Kane; I've never actually seen it)

NBC Cleveland area is showing the ball game instead of Hannibal or anything else tonight. On the bright side Cleveland is burying Boston 12-3 as of the 6th inning.

So is the "I'm as high/hot as hell! And you're about to get shot!" song an actual existing song or was that created specifically for Community? I've been looking for it for a while having no luck.

Saw that coming.

Contemporary History
Gothic Fanfiction
Interplanetary Physics and Romance
History 101
Paternal and Tribal Relationships
Early Espionage Techniques
Marketing and Management Training
Famous Duets in American History
Exercises in Experimental Therapy
Hostage Crisis Training 410
Breakthroughs in Medical Transplants

Holy cow CBS viewers are old. (while NBC & FOX has a decent young presence)

Still too blurry and out of focus for me. I understand your viewpoint about the restraint, but I personally felt little to no connection to the Thoraxis character so I couldn't make a connection to Jeff. A more obvious comparison would've helped this, but of course I didn't get it.

Introduction to Disappointment sounds promising.

Things in editing/shooting/production really upset me this season. I can only imagine how livid the past producers must feel if they watched Season 4. I know past episodes have had production problems, but man if there weren't some blatant issues this season.

Out of all the early season writers, I probably miss her the most.

Honestly if they just let me know that Jeff was actually imagining everything from the start then I would have been more okay with it. Without that self-awareness and irony the episode ends up being 90% frustration for me.

It's a bit sad I actually need wikipedia to remind me of what happened this year. Now that the season is over I am certainly willing to admit how weak it is. Call it "Community Goggles", but during live broadcasts I was actually pretty happy with quite a few episodes that now I just don't care for anymore. That said…

In case anyone forgot, here's that horrifying advertisement that thankfully turned out to be non-canon. I hate marketing.

Plus she's a surfboard!

So apparently the Seattle Mariners do not want to win any games against Cleveland this year. The box score for this game is going to be hilarious

Am I right in thinking Yahoo is the internet's CW?

Listened to the new Daft Punk album. Even though it's a bit forgettable compared to some earlier work (Discovery, Homework especially) I do admire the confidence of putting something like this out there. I think it's the actual instrumentation that holds it back at times, but again their confidence to do a seemingly