

The writers/producers actually did want it to look like a single take the entire time. Bobrow has been tweeting about it earlier today.

You are correct. This episode was written by Andy Bobrow (who also wrote favorites "Mixology Certification", and "Pillows & Blankets")

I feel like if I was more familiar with Hitchcock then this would've been a much more enjoyable experience. From the long takes to the obvious "this is all in real time!", it really felt like they were subtly going for something that I just wasn't familiar enough with.

That reminds me. I really have to see Drive already.

That's another weird thing. We've got all this set-up for the darkest timeline, Chang still being crazy… but there's been literally no context for City College AT ALL this season.

Fucking shit.

Conceptually and dramatically it seemed pretty solid for this season.

I hope not. Then again, Chang's original story in his season 2 arc was that his mind was being taken over by his twin he ate in utero… sooo…

Edit: removed. I don't want to see that sort of thing here.

That list is unusually hard to grade. Sealab 2021 would be on top if the last few seasons didn't exist. Losing Harry Goz (Captain Murphy) was a big blow :/

"re-releasing Earthbound"

Gary is off the table. He is a buzzkill.

You could've just said "Teen Wolf"

Welcome to PaintyFilms reacts to reading lindsayfunke's comment

I'm assuming it's hype for now. "Hype" in the sense that it will be mentioned/presented for timeline's sake (like RCT) but will likely have no huge role in the episode other than to illustrate a hypothetical point about a character's decision. If that's it, I can probably accept it. If they're going down the timeline

I worked there for a summer! Twas not fun as I have bad motion sickness and hated living on the concentration camp/dorm that the workers lived in. But it paid a lot of bills.

Edit: Pay no attention to this comment

I think it's even before all that stuff. More like stuff that brought the members to Greendale in the first place. I know we've gone over it before briefly (like in the 2nd flashback/memory episode) but I can't see a full dedication to it going over well with the fans let alone myself. Some things are better left