
Personally, I'm terrified about Advanced Finality and the origins episode. One is changing the course for the future and the other is changing/updating canon from the past. That hasn't gone well for me so far this season (puppet secrets come to mind). I hope it works out well, but right now I'm dreading those two in

Honestly this is a good move if just to expand NBC's territory by anchoring other shows on days not named Monday or Tuesday. The Voice did wonders for Goon and Revolution. If there's a positive, it's that this might help NBC's and tangentially other comedies' ratings (hypothetical Season 5…?).

This is the one Bobrow "consulted" on, right? (whatever that means)

I've tried eating while pooping once.

The continuity hasn't been that great this season. I wouldn't be surprised if the whole Chevy leaving situation just let them say "fuck it, who cares".

After his puppet said "My father is withholding!" I was hoping he'd have a secret related to that. Ugh.

I feel similarly.

So we all know Bobrow has stated that he was worried about 2 particular episodes for the rest of the season not being received well.

Okay, why the heck do some people here think Chevy was around for the actual shooting of this episode? This episode was shot last, so he definitely wasn't around for it. He was able to provide the voicing for the puppet. That's it.

We're not kidding when we say that Seasons 1-3 of Community are some of the best television seasons of all time. Do yourself a favor and start from the pilot.

I'd be more satisfied with him dying, but that's just me.

I am unfamiliar with what "rope" homage means. Can you explain?

What?! This ticks me off a little bit.

Eh. I've always felt like as the series wore on the Dean slowly became more and more comfortable expressing himself this way. He doesn't seem to have a deviant libido so much as he's just more comfortable being this way in front of those particular people.

I seriously wonder how much of the negative feelings I get are network/suit decisions coming down vs. writer & director choices.

I felt this way during Season 3.

Annie's been known to go out of her character simply out of obsessive nature of winning and achieving. (Model UN, Todd's Yam Trial, Aderrall). Also, I feel like she's been sidelined a lot of the actual series (especially season 3)

This episode appears to be production code 413. Chevy likely wasn't around for the actual shooting, but might have gotten the sound & voice work in prior to his exit.

My interest has been piqued.