
I think it was whoever handled the actual recording. The difference between puppet voiceover and regular world voice was pretty violent for me. I don't know why they wouldn't just use the same damn mics like they did for Abed's batman monologue in Season 1. ARGHGHG

Absence of Evidence is not the Evidence of Absence! (also, the AC school has to act like a regular school now)

I actually liked the first song a lot. Shirley's reveal was nice enough, though unmemorable.

Well yeah. The quality on those letters is appalling. It's like you typed it out in MSpaint or something.

Don't get me wrong, I liked parts of it. I just felt like it wasn't wrapped up as nicely as it could have (should have) been. By the end of the 2nd act I was feeling pretty good about where it was going, but the 3rd act put me off a little bit.

I can't tell if it was his actual voice singing/talking during the puppetry. It sounded pretty accurate during the talking portions.

Stuff worked for me (most of the first 2 acts). Stuff didn't work for me (most of the last act). I have no idea what to grade this, but the A- is honestly a bit surprising.

I actually find Shirley's to be the most realistic & powerful. She's proven to have some issues that pop up every once in a while. I was actually kinda hoping we'd get back to her drinking problems, but I felt like Shirley could definitely have some relationship issues after both losing and gaining her husband in a

Hah. I feel the complete opposite. WE COMPLETE EACH OTHER

Out of all the Season 4 episodes not to consider canon, I'm surprised you picked this one.

I get the feeling everyone (including me) has no idea what to give this episode.

Okay well that didn't end as nicely as I was hoping.

I'm starting to feel left out. I actually kinda like where this is going. :/

Okay then:

So far so good…

I'd feel the same way if "That's What Christmas Is For" didn't already exist.

(complaint about being called into work 2 hours early)

My guess is that they realized Troy & Britta had very little chemistry early on in the season and hence kinda shuffled them to the background. I wouldn't be surprised if the relationship fizzled out just as secretly as it started before the season ends. They probably figured they absolutely had to include it since the

Getting ahead of myself here, but in a hypothetical Season 5 I'd hope either Annie or Troy would take over the starring role of the show in place of Abed & Jeff.