
For me the psychological and strategic aspect really keeps the game going. Though it probably helps that I played baseball as a kid so I already like it to begin with.

Well now I'm suddenly interested in this.

Is that the "Glitch" one? I've never watched Adventure Time but I did see that recently out of curiosity. Love the animation, was really weirded out by the hand/arm side-story.

Yes. But Whitney is 2 seasons away from syndication (only at 38 episodes) and doesn't have a very loyal or young fanbase.

Cubs Indians World Series. Calling it!

So Alison Brie, Nick Offerman, and Megan Mullally shot "The Kings of Summer" in Cleveland last year and I didn't even know about it. Arrghghghgh

I'm really just holding out it picks up steam with the bigger arcs (whatever Annie & Troy's relationship is becoming, Chang/City College). If those ever build up then I'll be more inclined to revist some early S4 episodes for context.

As a Cleveland fan I'm required to mention that I vehemently disagree.

Okay, he absolutely nailed Ron Howard as the narrator.

Bag Troy was really the only one that sounds ridiculous to me.

That was surprisingly good. I wish the later half had more funny in it, but I definitely enjoy Pierce & Jeff moments like that!

Did you twitter guys plan to get something Community-related trending tonight? I read something about that and immediately thought I was missing a new episode for some reason. Then I realized I was confused as to both what day and week it was. I thought today was both Thursday and next week. And now I'm telling you

I always figured it was in their contract or something. Same goes for Piston and Gumball's producer contracts. Maybe somewhere along the lines they figured out it was mutually beneficial to work together and try and reach a contract that way.

He wrote "KIDS" which I have seen and never want to see again.

That Esposito article was kinda funny to read with regards to Community.

Wasn't that part of the fictional Night School?

Back on topic:

Gillian's on Kevin Pollack right now for anyone interested.