
It took me a while to figure out he was also the asian dealer guy in Pineapple Express

I'm really only familiar with Love Shack and Rock Lobster. I'm a terrible music major.

Semi-unrelated story:

I'ma say Season 3. I don't know what the heck it actually is, but everything in Season 3 just seemed "off" and borderline artificial.

Brave is okay.

Is that a different set than the current one? And if so when did it change?

Saw Wreck it Ralph for the first time and had my mind blown. Surprising how well they balanced cameos/placement with everything else. Did not see those plot-twists coming at all!

Actually the usual commenters hang out in another review until all the newer ones stop posting so much. Sunday is usually the switch over day.

It has to do with the premise, which in my opinion is pretty hilarious itself.

I feel like 100k isn't really that large amount of money when you're shooting school commercials waaay over budget, cleaning up 3 paintball wars, paying for documentaries to be made, having a "Hunger Games" games, dealing with a benevolent Asian dictator figure who took over your school and drained it, throwing too

Getting too close to Britta will change people's perception
of her. Abed said something along the lines of that in the "Britta
drunk dial" episode of Season 1. I honestly expect both to get sick of each other eventually.

You've clearly never tried to take control of a rowdy PE class.

Personally I thought the Jeff storyline worked because the Thanksgiving episode set up some leftover issues to resolve. Jeff really seemed to find ground with Pierce on that matter, I just don't think he got around to finding it until this episode because he's been on "avoid Pierce at all costs" mode for a few years.


I gave it an "A-", but with regards to the entire series Todd's "B" is probably right.
