
I wonder how much time needs to pass until a Dan Harmon-directed Community Movie kickstarter can be a legitimate possibility.

Or maybe they saw your criticism about it because they read AV Club comment sections…

Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa!

Gravity Falls got renewed if anyone cares


So apparently Season 1's Valentine's Day episode had an extended producer's cut on the DVD I'd never seen before?! Not all the cut stuff was very good, but a few certainly were. Abed had an extended "director talk" with Jeff, and Britta had a fun awkward moment with Slater/Jeff outside.


In relation to this particular season it was actually pretty good.

Okay, so apparently there's still some confusion over my opinions on the show and your comments. Just so we're clear about me, and only me:

Annie makes Jeff get her an Appletini in COST.

Does anyone here watch Grimm? I have no idea what the hell is going on and I don't like it.

Thankfully no. It might be because our shop is kinda separated away from the trucker area so I don't know about it, or it might be because we're just that classy.

Whoa whoa whoa Bill Lawrence? I'm actually now interested in this.

yaaay I did something right for once!

Today in PaintyFilms sees obscure kinda-celebrities in the rest stop he works in with his sister:

I find some of your opinions confusing.

There is a theme, and it's called "History".