
adjust up to 1.2, but it'll climb slightly next week thanks in part to good reviews.

You're just a horrible person. (or just bad at reading people)

I thought Abed was moving his lips towards the end of that "Prison Break" line.

I don't tweet and I don't really care for it that much.

I'm on the fence between a B+ and A-.

I don't really watch it either, but I really do like the small bits I've seen of his stuff on that show. He's like a white Season 1 Chang & Troy fusion of a character. Plus, his face "pops"

Jeff's half-brother actually being a great character to introduce to the universe might have been the biggest surprise of the episode for me. Did not see that one coming.

The tag was great, but I was a little miffed of it not capitalizing on a Shirley "Oh Lord No." callback from 401.

I didn't mind the Shawshank concept for the same reason I didn't mind the Chicken Fingers/mob movie concept in Season 1.

Okay, Jeff's actual scar might disrupt continuity within the Community universe since we've seen Jeff shirtless and all… but I really don't care. That was just… holy crap.

Wow I have to say I am really enjoying this episode so far. A few Pierce lines have been cringe worthy (he really isn't being given much to work with), but it's definitely the strongest Season 4 has been thus far.

Is it really that much cheaper to shoot in studio instead of outdoors at Los Angeles City College like Community used to? I miss being outside.

This is both NBC's fault for being bad at everything and Community's fault for going down the "oddball" path farther and farther since Season 1.

Yes that screenwriting Oscar. The one for screenwriting.

I feel the same way with regards to Season 1 vs Seasons 3-4.

You mean the one written by the guy who won an Oscar for screenwriting and has also been in the cast for 3 years?


I think they specified it was origins of actually coming to Greendale. The Pilot would be origin of the actual study group thanks to Abed/Jeff/Britta, but I think the future episode in question is going to refer farther back in time. (Shirley's failing marriage, Pierce's lonely life of rejection, Annie's drug issues

I'm initially a bit weirded out, but honestly this sounds like it would make a great bottle episode.