
Any time Garnei speaks my anxiety starts spiking. I'd really hate to be in his position.

This moderator was doing a good job of not talking until now.

I might be more attached to Alison's little boy smoker character than anything that has happened this season.

Yvette. Looks. So. Annoyed.

Oh boy. If I were Grombulox I'd be terrified to say anything about the show. And he does sound terrified.

AAAnd we're live!


Whoa whoa whoa… Fred Willard is on the panel and doing Pierce's table read?

The feed didn't start yet right? All I'm getting is a "we'll start in a few minutes" with elevator music playing.

Hit-and-miss is right. I did really like how they used the actual commentary to illustrate how the writers deliberately shifted tone.

So there's a Paley Center Panel tonight?

Most definitely.

I know I might the only one still interested in Community ratings, but here's some stuff anyway.

The Bible got those ratings because old people at churches recommended it during their services.

(I probably shouldn't have watched that)

I can only hope to eventually see Community on this list.

Uhh… uh…

He does rape a lot of childhoods though.

There's an interview out there somewhere that has him talking about his Season 4 composing. I'll try and find it, gimme a sec.

(rewatching season 1)