
I'm still amazed we can have this sort of legitimate analysis comparing Breaking Bad to a cartoon on the Disney Channel.

The Football Bowl bit is one of the most perfect things I've ever seen.


Does it have to do with the plot/premise? Because I already know what that is (and I'm still figuring out if I like it or not)

My mom has a friend at work that keeps giving her bootleg DVDs of stuff. I just finished Zero Dark Thirty.

Actually he has something called "hypervirility". (haha)

Intensive Elementary Russian I:

That's such a delightful little track. Occasionally DT tracks sound fairly random with the time-changes, but Hell's Kitchen has always flowed surprisingly well for me. Oddly enough from one of their weaker albums too.

I actually agree that their portrayal here turned me off. They certainly tried to validify that decision by actually theming the episode around German culture/history and such, but it just never seemed to work out. I imagine their mindset was "Okay we're doing a German history themed
episode; we could probably use


It kinda deserved to. A drama pulling 1.0s and getting beaten by a show like Community will get you canned on every network not named CW or NBC. Zero Hour was also beaten by Vampire Diaries on CW the week prior.

Having only ventured into the comments a few times, there is a surprising number of Vampire Diaries fans…

I'll give it a chance simply because new characters could actually save this show. It worked surprisingly well for Parks when they introduced Chris and Ben. Given, Mark (the character that left) wasn't really that important.

Me too! (a while ago). I failed my 1st test but got it on the 2nd one. It's a bit of a pain since you have to pay all over again, but really not that big a deal. I felt like crap, but it's all good now.

…does this bode well for Community? Knowing nothing of TV I'm just assuming they want to save it for days when more people watch TV so the ratings will be better. 1600 Penn is just getting a burn-out since it is dying/dead.

Holy crap Life Of Pi. Was not expecting that at all.