
Finale is being shot. It's production code 411, which means they're shooting out of order.

Was it called "But I'm a Cheerleader?"? Because I've actually watched that for a culture studies class once.

My point is that it's probably not good form to criticize soccer for allowing ties when the sport you find superior to it still has a tie as a possible outcome.

Washington Post always makes me chuckle because my band methods instructor always made a point to say he hated the piece despite the fact that it's well written.

This is why I can't stand football fans who hate soccer because ties are so common.

I watched the first episode of S4 Parks and Rec and was unimpressed, so I've been putting it off. Though, tonight I caught myself up and it seems like it's gotten back to form. I especially like where Tom seems to be going. He's becoming Parks and Rec's "Troy" haha.

Obligatory A&M beat 'BAMA post.

I might be the only person in the world who intentionally mispronounces the word Twilight as "Twigglit". That's all I really have to contribute to this.

I kinda felt the same way when I first saw it.

NBC ordered more scripts!!!

In all seriousness I haven't really seen other ethnic groups in pictures supporting the Romney ballot. I know they exist (Florida has a large conservative/latino population), but I've really only seen honkies support Romney.

Animorph all the way.

You guys probably don't realize this as much as Ohio peeps like myself, but while driving today there was a spectacular absence of campaign signs in front yards and such. On TV, no political advertisements were aired. And it was good.

My mother is one (ugh).

Dems keeping the Senate doesn't guarantee jack squat with all the filibusters the Reps are going to drag out on literally EVERYTHING. I'm pretty sure while they achieved a majority, it wasn't a supermajority and therefore is vulnerable to whiny bitches filibustering every goddamn thing they try to pass only because of

I know this is a joke, but I can actually see this happening if the Feds decide not to intervene. There's no way they're not going to see a huge spike in new residents moving there after legalizing that.

I live in Ohio.

They're playing on election night?

Presidential races are like the slowest moving yet still exciting horse-races ever. They're really fun to watch unfold despite me having little to no interest in the subject material. It's just so tense right now.