The nose bleed is a common side effect of pushing psychic powers. Just consult anything that features psychic powers and you'll find a nose bleed. "Firestarter", for example…
The nose bleed is a common side effect of pushing psychic powers. Just consult anything that features psychic powers and you'll find a nose bleed. "Firestarter", for example…
This season actually makes me miss Hiro's crazy misadventures in feudal Japan.
Spicoli - Leonard's last name on the show is Hofstadter.
I'm not so sure Ryan ever really went to Thailand.
Not to break up these wacky Penn jokes, but he taught a couple of classes in Asian American studies. I don't know specifically what classes.
Dude, it's a llama.
So soon we forget the genius of Semi-Pro.
Whipping up a little tiramasu?
I loved that upon hearing it through the floor, Sheldon knew it was DTS.
I just like saying "kudos to Kaley Cuoco".
Nathan's drinking
I don't think that Nathan really thought the drinking game would be a good way to get some money. I think he just really wanted to get fucked up and used the money as an excuse.
Martin Starr
Martin Starr got got billing for this in the trailer, that was good to see. Now we need him to have top billing in a movie and all will be right in the world.
Sister MAry - I'm 71.
He was recently at the Philadelphia Flower Show signing bottles. But you had to wait in a long line to buy a bottle of his limoncello before standing in a long line to have in sign it, so I passed.
I remember calling it a Jerga, which the Google tells me is the proper Mexican term.
Not Barney Stinson
I saw a commercial for this at the movies the other day. The newspaper holding guy apparently likes to wear suits and sleep with random women he meets at the bar.
Too bad he didn't kill himself. You would have gotten a 4.0 that semester.
Another nice appearance
Was from Quincy Jones' brother running the hotel.
"I have hollow bones… like a bird."