I'm absolutely terrified by it. Who thinks a skinned bear holding it's own skin is cute?
I'm absolutely terrified by it. Who thinks a skinned bear holding it's own skin is cute?
Ru Paul's Drag Race
Is that that new racing game for the Wii all the kids are playing?
I want to concentrate on what's going on in the episode. I'll save my Observer searching for reruns (although it was obvious last night).
Not too much. Tracy/Nikki was captured in the back of a truck with a black sack over her head, she had some words with Nathan that ended with "You're one of us!!" screamed over and over as they stuck a tube up her nose and put the sack back over her head.
Maybe they'll entertain the locals with a Sparklemotion routine.
another good quote
"In what universe is a Slushee an Icee?
It's like "Dude, Where's My Car" meets "Eyes Wide Shut".
I'm down with "cautiously optimistic". I get all gooey over the trailer, I really liked the book, but I'm nervous.
Tony Luke's all the way.
I'm hardly an expert, only having a few albums, but I like Henry's Dream.
I also like how whenever they go somewhere they say "So we got in the Sequoias…". I suppose its an upgrade from the Rav4s of seasons past.
They did seem to tone him down this week though. He got very little camera time compared to last week.
I like mine American without, and don't be shy with the ketchup.
I like mine American without, and don't be shy with the ketchup.
Being from Philadelphia, I can say that Whiz, prov or american are all acceptable cheesesteak cheeses. Onions and/or peppers are acceptable too.
Still though, it was pretty cool looking.
I liked how Olivia fell for the helpless, scared woman routine with Samantha despite the fact that she pulled the same helpless, scared woman routine the day before.
The first episode ended with grown-up Ted stating "And that's how I met your Aunt Robin."
I'm surprised people still come to the BBT review to hate on the show. I thought we were over that since it got it's own review instead of being a sub-conversation in the HIMYM review.