National Security Agency

We have stables of unpaid interns sorting through this shit, we don't care. Bring it!



I'll never tell!

Cool story! Hey, unrelated, we're planning a surprise party! I need your address for invitations. And Social Security number.

Yay! Overtime!

First day back at work and I have to deal with this shit?

*point and wink*

Do you want O'Neal back? He drank all the hand sanitizer in the break room and really made a mess of the place.

[act casual, act casual, act casual…]

*spit take*

*tries to act casual*

You think that wasn't Plan A?

Never mind, I found it.

Hey there buddy! I'm making up birthday party invitations and I seem to have misplaced your home address. Could you pass that along? And your full name and social security number.

God, you should SEE the file we have on you.

Don't worry, you're good.

Hey guys, long time lurker from Maryland here. I used to just be a reader but in light of, uh, recent events, I've decided to take a more, uh, overt role in the commentariat! I've seen some things in my time, so feel free to think of me as the big brother in this happy family.