I Find Tinsel Distracting

SofG also gets a reference in the so-great-it's-painful Futurama ep.

I also wonder how much in Shatner's bios is "artistic license."

I think Rod just wanted the crew to encounter a whole range of societies from the most primitive all the way to the Space Fop of Gothos.

Hey, JBMC, watch those aspersions you cast about my favorite waffle head. Wiki doesn't say anything about smack, booze at the worst.

I do love that TNG brought up the whole idea of "Holodiction." That would totally be me.

Awww, is that true? How sad.

I can't blame Meyers for wanting to be Canada-centric but just reading the plot - guru must save marriage of hockey star to win the big game - had "huh?" written all over it. I bet the Canucks couldn't even give a frozen shit. Then they plaster his giant leering face all over town for months. Nothing like the soft

Thanks everyone! Glad to have you here. Gosh, this 'net thing sure is awesome!

="more than I would have expected"

I think if they had stopped at Snaxi it might've been ok. It's kinda cute and the word's sorta fun to say. But then that other shit… hoo boy, they sure ain't no Bennett Cerf.

Johnson did a great job in Boy and His Dog. It can't be easy to convincingly talk to a telepathic dog.

Can anyone answer an earnest, non-snarky question as to why we get so many Brits here? (This is NOT a complaint.) Is this really the best site of its type than anything in the UK?

CaptJam, this is a pre-emptive attempt at encouraging a separate, all-spoilers conversation on a different board. As I said, as the months go on, there will only be more and more of this. And sorry if I like to discover things during the movie instead of before. It's actually more fun that way, not less.

When in doubt, dampening fields and nutrino pulses do it every time.

O.M.G! And I thought I was a hopeless nitpicking snark! At least I have the guts to log in when I do it.
*smugly pats self on back*

No, he's named after 2 types of candy bars.

@nilus: the Mythbusters are in San Francisco. Straight guys can look any way they want and no one cares! Weird huh?

And Lisa getting test anxiety (why was that again?) was stretching credibility even for a show that had long ago stopped trying to be consistent.

Nah, Bart needs to get a pet elephant. Cuz he's never had a _third_ elephant before! Oh, the hilarity.

"Gotta get this thing recalibrated."
Even the brilliant kegel exercised joke had an even better topper.