I Find Tinsel Distracting

p.s. it's in Latin.

SS, check out "Sebastiane" by Derek Jarman. The story of St. Sebastian (supposedly, I don't know shit about that stuff) but filled with sweaty - actually naked - grappling soldiers in the desert… plus it has an actual story(!). There's a scene in a sweat lodge where they're scraping all the muck off themselves with

Enough with all the "Apparently the new movie…" Is there any safe haven for those who aren't spoiler obsessed? It's fun reading everyone's comments (I learn a lot), but it's starting to look like I'm going to have to bail on this pretty soon, since there will only be more leaks in the months to come and more geeks who

Aside from Picard being the best captain ever (yes he was, you just hush), I do have to say
Seven of Nine!
Seven of Nine!
Seven of Nine!

Except Reilly would have a little more backup support on the bridge than all alone… down there… in the dark.

That's a good point. Ol' Reilly sure was a hothead.

yeah, but he gets point for not writing "could of."

Good point, BB. Like Reilly would be assassinated on the bridge.

Yeah, I caught that too. Zack still has Menagerie on the brain. :-)

I love that you take that position, Zack. As far as "did Leonore subconsciously lead Kirk directly to her latest victim," my sense is that was a writer's goof or a necessary condensing of scenes. But that coincidence had never occurred to me before you mentioned it.

"This is KANG"

People not logged in cannot criticize other people's avatars. So there.

I thought the same thing. His family must have fostered it through the generations like the Hatfields and McCoys. (Hmmm, McCoy? Nah.)

BTW, Zack, there was a good 20 years of TOS reruns before Simpsons aired. Plenty more people got the joke than just those who saw Trek "when it first aired." (Feeling old enough already in these rooms)

Uh, I'm pretty sure the fusion DC was referring to was between Shakes (high) and Trek (low). Not that Shakes didn't regularly play to the groundlings, though (they paid their ducats too).

I still haven't mustered the energy to watch Requiem for a Dream again yet, genius though it is.

Quoting Evel, Lego is already plural, dammit. Well, no. Lego is a brand name, by definition a noun. In the phrase Lego blocks, "Lego" is an adjectival noun.

Miawallace, that's a great story. Thanks!

Winslet had me at Sense & Sensibility.

For all the copious nudity, it's not even all that hot.