
The Highgarden Masquerade before the Harvest Moon will henceforth be referred to as Westerosi Gay Halloween.

@avclub-e56ced79d1049a08025835434a572e01:disqus Yeah, Kevan showed up in the tactical meetings with Tywin in both seasons one and two, in the forward camp and in Harrenhal, respectively. This chap: http://images.wikia.com/gam…

Every thread concerning the Dontos / Littlefinger trade-off mentions his scene in "The North Remembers," but forgets he is present in Maegor's Holdfast in "Blackwater", poorly attempting to juggle in his fool's regalia while Cersei gets her drink on.

Netflix paid $100 million for two seasons. Second hits this fall.

Okay, here's where the film's breaking down for me…

Okay, here's where the film's breaking down for me…