Sam Etic

Why do I feel like I'm constantly defending Neil Diamond to you people? The man's a treasure!

How is that "no 'caddy-ness?'" Isn't it, actually, an example of "caddy-ness?"

Starring Peter O'Toole?

Let's go to the zoo and watch the monkeys make amore!

I rest my case
Ah yes, the old Woody Allen is a child molester defense. Classic gambit, American Apparel…

The 2008 WFC flag will fly at half-mast…

Tina, is that you, Booty? Was I there when you named those boobs? Oh, also, if the man wanted a small grape soda - he would have ASKED for a small grape soda.

Mark Harmon the Sexiest Man Alive in 1986.

I was in an a capella group back in my undergraduate days. It wasn't the coolest of activities, but, man, did I pull a lot of tail. I remind my wife of this fact pretty regularly.

I might have mentioned this before, but Bob Saget's grandmother once pinched my ass. True story.

Really? Teen Wolf was normal? Did you miss the ensuing Wolf-mania?

It's not really a reflection of what I'm currently listening to, but I've always gotta go with The Happy Song by Otis Redding. It's just so darned…happy.

Nah, before the makeover, she was Baby Darryl Hall. She's very leonine…

Don't hate on that first Neil Diamond/Rick Rubin album. That was a worthwhile endeavor.

Nicely done, Vaughn. Way to keep us on our toes.

The Harpo Productions Institute of Chocolate Kiss-ology. You know: The HPICK.

I once saw a Delaware license plate that said MY2DADS. I can only assume the car belonged to Greg Evigan.

Isn't "consistent promise" damning with faint praise, anyway?

Now more than ever.

No Orleans? Who'll tell me if I'm still the one?