Sam Etic

Hole Hearted?

No - don't think of it as work. The whole pont is just to enjoy yourself.

I don't know; I went to plenty of exquisitely planned parties in my undergraduate days. I'm not even being sarcastic - my school knew good debauchery.

Gern, I think you have my favorite obscure username. Mazel tov.

Hair Metal? The Dickies? Erroneous!

Many people refer to NESCAC schools as the Tiny Ivies, spicoli. Of course, most of those people went to NESCAC schools. Go Conts!

Seagal is bursting with scholarship. I watched this movie in a religious studies class I took in college. Tuition was around $30,000 per annum. Well spent, I say.

Eh, I don't think there are many Springsteen fans in Jersey anyway.

Back in the summer of '97, I took my special lady to see Contact (she was a Carl Sagan-lovin' nerd). At the end, when the credits said "For Carl," she screamed "Chicken Sandwich, Carl!" It was the best part of the movie. She was a wondeful woman; I wonder what she's doing now…

What's the matter? Can't handle the extra D?
I suffer from similar maladies - near-sighted in one eye, far-sighted in the other; giant head (cap size: 8) - but I'm still a sucker for 3-D entertainments. We need the extra dimension to elevate otherwise mediocre movies. I don't want Don Corleone to lunge off the

My greatest achievement was getting Paul McCartney out of Wings
You idiot - he was the most talented one!

Don't hate on Role Models. Any movie that puts that much effort in to making fun of Wings is all right in my book. Also, Ms. Banks, you taste like a burger - I don't like you anymore.

Curious - Stephen Starr has twelve very successful restaurants in Philadelphia - hence the cheesesteak comment - but only two moderately successful restaurants in NYC. All of a sudden he's a New York institution? Apparently, they couldn't find any big shot restaurant owners in NYC.

Have you seen Broderick lately? He's captain of the sad-eyed, middle-aged team.

Whither Bert Blyleven?

Aw, thanks, but I think Shabbas the 13th got us started on the right foot. Attention must be paid.

The Hills Have Rabbis?

Knowledge can't be the treasure! The journey's the treasure! Wasn't George Lucas buddies with Joseph Campbell?

Where else can we add the 'naise' suffix?
I'll start:

Hey, Noel - thanks for a an entertaining ride. Praise, praise, praise - that's all I have to offer. Anyhoo, what did you think of Parallel Play?