Sam Etic

I don't know if it holds up to multiple viewings, but I was pretty psyched when I left the theatre. Just watching this movie made me feel dirty - I mean that as a compliment.

Fries with poutine?

Come on give us a try at Degrassi Junior High!
Kevin Smith likes Degrassi? I like Degrassi, too!

How did you get the bacon in to the bottle? Am I safe in assuming that it wasn't cooked until crispy?

I think some listeners have a tough time dealing with a band that is clearly smarter than they are. I love Steely Dan, but, man, they're way smarter than I.

Sex Farm?

I hear this club is restricted…
Remember when Val Kilmer was a big movie star? Whither Chris Knight?

Has anyone ever talked like that?
Dr. Hook?

Gern Blanston?

Spot on, Noel. "Wichita Lineman" is an all-timer.

Hello, Cleveland!
We're Coldplay from the UK - this must be the USA!

Neil Diamond
This is Popless inspired - does anyone know where I can find Rick Moranis doing Neil Diamond? Many thanks!

Yup, Rush too. Huh. Maybe I wade a little too deeply in the ironic…

The Jewish Elvis
Somewhere, somehow, my ironic love of Neil Diamond turned in to genuine love of Neil Diamond. I suspect I'm not alone…

Can you hear the drums, Fernando?
The roar of guns and cannons almost made me cry…

It's a Miracle!
Now let's all celebrate with a cool glass of turnip juice…

Yeah, but Noel's right - Kids in Philly gives 'em a free pass for life. I'm born and bred in Philadelphia, and I can't think of another piece of artwork that captures MY Philadelphia so well.

Ready, Signor Beaverotti?
I, too, dig animatronics. Thanks for sharing the load, Sean.

It was edited on someone's laptop. Production, yes - value, no.

Or perhaps it was her male alter-ego, Tyrone. It's a good thing her face can take so much makeup…