Sam Etic

Way to go
Thanks, Noel, for reviewing this fine film without the obligatory 'Gladiator' reference. When I was an undergrad, I assistant taught a class about Rome on film, and we couldn't get through TFOTRE without a dozen-or-so Russell Crowe shout-outs. I guess it was still fresh in the students' minds, but, man,

Can we expect a Neil Diamond review? As a Neil fan, I'm always curious to hear the hipster d-bag perspective. Seriously, his last album was pretty kickass. Thanks.

Whoa, Kathleen, are you actually me? I mean, are you in my office? Get out of my head!

Hey, Moose - Philadelphia is pretty widely regarded as the number one beer city in America. Last time I checked, it's east of Colorado. The more you know…

Auction it off and give the money to charity. You don't have to be an AV club employee to be an adventurous eater/utter weirdo.

Or perhaps, inspred by the Hanson brothers, she could play old time hockey…

The prospect of Dolly Parton and Lee Majors has kept 'A Smokey Mountain Christmas' on my DVR since December '06. I suppose I'll get around to watching that cultural touchstone some day.

There's a stage musical about Raul Wallenberg. It's appropriately tasteful, but less-than good.

I didn't post that - how did someone get access to my registered name? I feel so vulnerable.

Sorry, Phil - it's gotta be popular and/or cultural to qualify. There's nobody here but us d-bags.

My exact inner structure done in a t-shirt…
It would have been nice to include some obscure pop-culture references as a real shout-out to us posters, but hey, I'm not greedy.

Plus "Weed"
Did you, by chance, watch the accompanying film? If so, how does it rate?

The Joey Pants Dance
I'm always happy to see that Mr. Pantoliano's working. We can't all be fat and lazy off of our "Goonies" residuals…

David Ruffin
Maybe he didn't really commit himself to his craft, but man, what a voice. I can't think of a more effortless, soulful sound…

Seriously? Why do you hate freedom?

We declare World Contact Day
No thoughts on the Carpenters? Richard's arrangements are the truth.

You throw me the idol - I throw you the whip…
Admit it - you're super-stoked.

Child Is Father To The Man…
has a frightening, frightening album cover. That's probably not of concern to Noel - given that Popless is a digital-therfore-album-cover-less exercise - but still, that photo haunts my dreams.

A quantum?
I thought Bond was supposed to be unfeeling. There should be NO solace whatsoever…

Devil's Rejects
Is there a real Banjo & Sullivan? I always assumed they were chemically man-made like the Incredible Hulk…