
Yeah - a few live ones, Desertshore, Perils From The Sea…it gets pretty tiring. I saw him live in October and I bought 1 CD, they gave me 2 for free - he makes so many he gives them away! And I believe Sun Kil Moon is coming out with a new one January…

I thought that too - it would have made WAY more sense to keep her informed, it would be more responsible on the parents part and not to mention healthier for the two children - I think maybe it was a bit of crap foresight on the parents part, and hey, we wouldn't have a movie without their really bad judgement. But

I'm like 7 days late to this thread but agree with everyone - I love PATF was very progessive with Charlotte and Tiana's friendship, I can't think of many other Disney movies previously that even portrayed a friendship like theirs. I also though Tiana had the most personality of any previous princess to date - she was

same here mbs - the previews were pretty awful, and that snowman looked like a comedic-relief nightmare. But I saw the movie last night following all the great reviews and was pretty much blown away, not to mention the snowman was actually really, really funny. I have to give credit to Disney, the humor in their

I liked all the songs too. The only one I found really corny and un-necessary was the song the trolls sang to Kristoff/Anna. Was really boring and uninspired and kind of forced

I thought Elsa's story was pretty clear - she shut herself away because when she was little she hurt Anna and that traumatized her, making her scared to hurt others with her powers or hurt Anna again, especially since she has very little control over her powers. Her parents did this, don't know why they had to keep

That's true… I saw her last Nov (2012) before the special came out.
Well anyway I think she's someone everyone should experience live

Yes, one thing that really started to to really force me to re-evaluate any of my like for Don was how neglectful he was of both Sally and Bobby. I know at the end of season 6 they are pointing towards a possibly more open Don, but while Betty may have been a conflicted mother, she's been at least there always unlike

I'm wracking my brain over this so someone help me - wasn't there an episode where it begins with a montage of all the female characters, and a modernish, non-era-specific song is used? It may have happened in season 1 or 2…

Are we hot?

and some
applesauce, applesauce, applesauce,
some apple apple sauce sauce, apple apple sauce sauce

Now I just picture Eli masking himself in cheese so to avoid being caught by the red squad (Knox)

I think an interesting alternate to the Eli/Willie situation would be Eli decidedly refusing to inform Knox anymore so that Willie ends up behind bars, which would be more safe for him in the long run than getting entangled with Knucky/the mob life. I thought the episode ending was pretty ominous with Eli's reaction…

I would usually agree - I also hate the trope of the angelic/selfless love interest (its used a lot in anime). I think however The Wind Rises is a very broad film in general - everything from the themes to just the dialogue is really broad, and while I'm not saying that's a good or great thing, its an interesting

I saw it yesterday and thinking about it now, I think Naoko had multiple purposes. Obviously to give Horikoshi something to love and care about in a way that would challenge his childhood passion of designing/engineering, andmore than that, I think it called back to his discussion with Caproni about creativity having

*puts on Grave of The Fireflies for D'Angelo*

Either way I'm excited for the film and it alleviates some of the pain of knowing The Wind Rises is the last Miyazaki film

Is Takahata also retiring???

Yes you can absolutely see Anno's animating influences in the scene with the warrior's reawakening

I hate to say it but there's been quite a downward spiral with music criticism on the site lately. I'm not saying this because perhaps a few albums I liked they didn't, but the actual writing often seems really half-baked, like as if the first half are just some random thoughts and then some mentions of the songs