
awesome! like someone said, casseroles or big dishes work out nicely. big pots of bean chilli for the week, veg shepherds pie, lasagna (and lasagna can be things other than the typical - like pumpkin lasagna, zucchini, etc), big pots of soup, indian dishes like chana masala, stir fries with asian sauces or a thai

Every month my friends & I have a little potluck and this past weekend we had a huge one. I made a vegan banana-coconut rum cake, and a taco lasagna - cashew cheese sauce with black beans/mushrooms/corn, with salsa as the sauce and tortillas as the lasagna, then topped with cheddar daiya, avocados and black olives.

I absolutely adore Hem. Check out their album "Rabbit Songs," really gorgeous compositions and the lead singer's voice really matches the music.

Why is there no more Hope, Jobs and Cash?

I know. These kids sequels are getting lazy. Despicable Me 2 could have easily been Despicable Me Too, or Despicable We, etc.

Uh, I can't do without Mac And Me…

Badger - I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings

There's something real eerie about that 33 likes…

I worked at Whole Foods back in 2007/2008 in Prepared Foods. It totally sucked and I cut my thumb on a deli slicer! But you're lucky, Specialty is literally the holy grail of Whole Foods positions/departments. You just organize cool stuff and your gain-share is really big because your department doesn't waste money.

Wow that is incredible! Congratulations.

I have a friend who does that and I'm extremely jealous of her. Her and her boyfriend have done it in Korea, Turkey and next they're heading to Costa Rica. I wish I had that kind of lofty attitude. Plus I have so many things tying me back home, like sick parents.

I'm really digging this band from Seattle called Chastity Belt. Just really cool chicks playing good music. You can check out a track here: https://soundcloud.com/help…

@avclub-41212a9d660d861b9d5bd9c37de55961:disqus oh god yes where is my mind. I kept thinking of Enlightened's natural enemy, vicki is a monster, when I was writing that

Did anyone read Nathan's book (You Don't Know Me)? sorry if I missed the thread where this happened, but what everyone is saying here is exactly the problem I had with the book. Way too in love with his own life and writing style, not enough actual reporting to be found.

Shhh. Just enjoy the silence

It's funny, I am the age that Girls should be the show that really describes me, or represents my life in a way that I can relate to. But, it never really has, and never really can. The stories/experiences shared in Girls feel strangely unique only to the characters/writers, but Enlightened, from the moment I watched

I think most of the strange people they get on the show are aspiring actors…and a lot of them are more in on the joke than the show lets on. I think David Liebe Hart definitely is, and Palmer Scott, and James Quall, they're all playing up these personas.

Again the story doesn't sound like it was a couple jokes, it sounded like a re-occurring characteristic, which in turn created a work environment that effected people working for her. If someone's employer did this at any regular company, a retail chain or an office, they would be terminated. This is the same fucking

um, no. the status quo as we know it right now is that people of color still get the shit end of the stick in our society. Paula Deen is totally allowed to have both her shitty nostalgia and her tendency to tell hipster/ironic racist jokes, but maybe she could and should have kept it on the DL. it must really suck
