
I very much like your vision. The Hobbit is exactly that: just a popcorn flick but in novel form. It's the fun-ness of Middle Earth before the seriousness of LOTR settles in.

I very much like your vision. The Hobbit is exactly that: just a popcorn flick but in novel form. It's the fun-ness of Middle Earth before the seriousness of LOTR settles in.

I am loving this thread. I don't really care about Jackson's little changes - Tom Bombadil, makes sense, no Barrow Downs (I've heard people get upset that because there is no Barrow Downs, we don't find out why Merry has a blade that is capable of stabbing the Witchking, in Return of the King/Battle of Pelennor

I am loving this thread. I don't really care about Jackson's little changes - Tom Bombadil, makes sense, no Barrow Downs (I've heard people get upset that because there is no Barrow Downs, we don't find out why Merry has a blade that is capable of stabbing the Witchking, in Return of the King/Battle of Pelennor

I wanted to do that, but my cousin and sister were insisting I go. We had a history of seeing the movies when they came out 2002-2003 and even went to the Trilogy Tuesday when ROTK came out. But, my disdain for all this extending The Hobbit to 3 films, obvious money ploys, screwing with the the charm of The Hobbit as

I wanted to do that, but my cousin and sister were insisting I go. We had a history of seeing the movies when they came out 2002-2003 and even went to the Trilogy Tuesday when ROTK came out. But, my disdain for all this extending The Hobbit to 3 films, obvious money ploys, screwing with the the charm of The Hobbit as

I like that description. Ugh the writing for the movies were horrible.

I like that description. Ugh the writing for the movies were horrible.

Lunch is cancelled today due to lack of hustle. Deal with it.

Lunch is cancelled today due to lack of hustle. Deal with it.

It WAS hilarious. That book proposal was absolute shit. I realize that Lena Dunham's humor/wit/what you call it is subjective, but I can't comprehend how that kind of writing can be worth not one, but three million dollars. Yeah, yeah, because she is super marketable. But, I mean, I don't think I could personally

It WAS hilarious. That book proposal was absolute shit. I realize that Lena Dunham's humor/wit/what you call it is subjective, but I can't comprehend how that kind of writing can be worth not one, but three million dollars. Yeah, yeah, because she is super marketable. But, I mean, I don't think I could personally

Gimme a steak, medium rare

Gimme a steak, medium rare

@avclub-02c1dd6ad234773aeffd7f7067784d58:disqus  I have a great recipe for cashew ricotta from Veganomicon you could use next time, its amazing and tastes exactly like regular ricotta:

@avclub-02c1dd6ad234773aeffd7f7067784d58:disqus  I have a great recipe for cashew ricotta from Veganomicon you could use next time, its amazing and tastes exactly like regular ricotta:

my dad and I always make snowball cookies (mexican cookies). I also of course love gingerbread, molasses, any choc-kind, and anything with raspberry jam or cute sprinkles!

my dad and I always make snowball cookies (mexican cookies). I also of course love gingerbread, molasses, any choc-kind, and anything with raspberry jam or cute sprinkles!