
Flapper gimmick plz

She's got the female tag team manager thing down naturally. Sunny or Sherri vibe for sure.

Enzo and Cass never pick up wins anymore :'(


Sounds more up my alley. Thanks!

Cool thanks. I'm way too stupid for that, and not a big fiction reader. Just wanted to know the fuss.

Fucking Randy Newman

Woops wrong conversation. Sorry

Yup. Doesn't mean I can grasp what's obviously a very unique aesthetic/appeal right off the bat.

Can someone please explain DFW and his writing style to me in the absolute dumbest way possible?

The Smiths are literally my favorite band. However thankfully they came out before twitter. Morrissey is a cunt, but he's a charming cunt.

Devils in the details I suppose. Maybe I'll give it one more go around.

Well that's it. I like her album but she's so annoying it's just ruined for me.

Oh Helms Yeah!!!!

Wasn't the Hangover that Jason guy that looks exactly like Helms?

I think all genres of the eighties were mean spirited.

Ugh, is there anything lazier than "modernizing" a franchise by jamming in a twitterinstagramtextingfacebook scene/joke?

Because he has the charisma of a shift leader at Best Buy?

Agree, when it came out and I was 11: classic

Agree, when it came out and I was 11: classic