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    I kind of disagree with your point about how Titus left. Titus was a complete jerk for leaving the way he did without a goodbye or explanation or even a proper divorce, which would have been granted. Having been to rural Mississippi, though, I can see why he did it the way he did. That is no place for a flamboyant

    I'm glad that it seems like they are giving Lillian more to do. She's obviously filling the "wacky neighbor" role here but Carol Kane is a living treasure and just so spot on here. She gives even the most ridiculous lines the weight of someone who's experienced them simply because of the city where she lives.

    Yes, actually, they do.

    From Lillian's mouth to Ted Cruz's ears.

    I'd agree if the joke was on the Native Americans.

    Yea, I'm really happy about more Carol Kane. She's a gem in just about everything and was given way too few things to do in the last run of episodes.

    I love how in the Kennedy Center clip he's playing the elder statesman until Willie gets up there. After seeing one of his oldest, closest friends up there singing one of his songs the camera catches Merle with his hat down low over his eyes and his lip trembling. It's a beautiful moment.

    Part of the problem is CBS. They don't understand the online world. CBS locks down the bulk of their online content and make you pay a separate subscription to just CBS shows.

    I'm so glad you did this.

    Hopefully it's more complicated than that.

    This seems to be a retelling of the arc where Elektra infiltrates The Hand, no?

    I'm amazed that he made it all the way to Barry's house without drawing attention. Then again, it's very possible that people in the city are so used to these things that a two story tall landshark running down the street is not that far off from a typical Tuesday.

    I'm so tired of the old trope of a talking shark in pants jumping out of the water and explaining how he's going to kill someone instead of just jumping out of the water and trying to kill him.

    This is called "Pulling a George Lucas."

    You don't deserve clean dishes or a clean butt until you get a real job, you taker!

    Look, these new chips are confusing. I'm just supposed to leave it there? That makes no sense. It's been 10 seconds. Maybe if I pull it out and push it in again…

    I only go shopping on Tuesdays around 7pm. Or as I like to call it, "Sad, single man night."

    What kind of valhalla is that classroom. Our K classrooms barely have rooms for desks and a carpet, and they ran out of budget for built in closets so we have to cram stuff into metal stand up office cabinets that can hardly close. Look at those windows! All we have is one floor to ceiling window that's a food

    Cisco: He's causing us to sing our pep talk… like some kind of… Music Meister…

    I'm waiting for Rob Schnider to turn up. "You can do it, Barry!"