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    That is so comic-booky.

    Letterman would do well for a little while, but then get his ass kicked for a long, long time.

    There were the horns and I thought "oh, there's the X-Files link - and it's a Scully one" but nope. Straight up suicide bombing being used to make a statement about the power of placebo magic mushrooms bridging you to a higher level of understanding after a honky-tonk bender.

    No, after this I think Cris Carter should never touch the series again. edit: just let the other writers go at it and keep his hands off.

    The monster could have been really good, but the strength of the creature of the week often depends on how it dovetails into the personal story of the Agents. This one didn't fit thematically with Scully's story.

    These are the Hallmark Channel movies of the multiplex.


    "due to his belief that changes in his health will be reflected in his poo." This was confirmed by a song in Scrubs, so I don't see any issue with this character trait.

    Georgia O'Keeffe's orchid paintings remind me of them,

    There really isn't anything special about it, but it's not actively terrible. It's just very middle of the road.

    This happens all the time to actresses in Hollywood. If you are a woman by the time you're 40 you'll be playing grandma and the 40 year old men are playing romantic comedies opposite 25 year old actors. See Crystal/Ryan, Gere/Roberts, or every actress who's played opposite Adam Sandler, Woody Allen, or Warren

    He should hook up with Dwayne "Franchise Viagra" Johnson.

    The first 20 seconds of the Cash version had me excited. The two lines with out the sung "drumbeat" were incredible.

    It's still the weirdest, gayest thing I've ever seen on a children's Christmas special.

    You'll love this clip of Sondheim teaching "Getting Married Today" as part of a Guildhall class. He has clear, delirious pride in one of the women, and picks apart the other and is absolutely right to. https://www.youtube.com/wat…

    Yes, quite. I'm buying Zoom as a threat and I completely understand what he's doing, but the story around him is not quite as compelling.

    Yeah, but they gone to great pains to establish this Wells as a different person. That means if Zoom is E2 Henry even then it will be like, oh, it's him but not really him.

    Wally West won't be Kid Flash. He will be "Grant Gustin's Asking Price is Too High and Negotiations have Stalled Flash."

    What? No mention of "don't have a snit, Snart." That's some master class alliteration there, sold with flair.

    I'm not all that into Zoom, although I do see him as a threat. There is no emotional component, and fighting another really fast guy is a little redundant. I'm not saying every big bad has to have an emotional component to him but Zoom is a bit lacking.