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    In the Cohen Brothers film "The Man Who Wasn't There" a character named Ed sees a UFO. It's just there. It may or may not have been a triggering incident for what happened earlier, or maybe a dream. Either way, it was just a UFO and that Ed walked back into jail.

    Alison Mossheart. Yeah, her voice is amazing. She's also the lead singer for The Kills.

    They saw that video and thought it was a dance tune. I'm just happy to see it recognized in any category. Song of the year in my book.

    You really shouldn't argue relevancy using an almost 50 year old example.

    I'm just happy to see him nominated. My second favorite album of the year actually is up for an award. It's a miracle.

    Bingo. They came out around the same time, when grunge turned into navel gazing.

    Garden State is a film that was very much a product of its time and place. It could have only been made in 2004, only be relevant for people of a certain age - mid 20's -for a few years, and then fade away because, in retrospect, as the viewers grew up they saw themselves in it and thought "oh god I was like that

    I'm just checking, but have internet commenters decided to hate Adele now? I know hating Anne Hathaway is on it's way out, and a group recently tried but couldn't quite hate Tom Hanks. Guess I'm having a hard time keeping up.

    They actually bought it and didn't appropriate it from a small pizza shop and sell it as their own design? Their ethics must be improving.

    I know. I suppose the open carry people will have some issues considering how pro whip control that sketch was.

    The last single Bowie pretty much stated he was going for Scott Walker, and has always called him a huge influence.

    Pretty soon there will be nothing to distinguish David Bowie and David Lynch from one another. Not even the art their making.

    The show has this one nasty habit of putting threats to take away Barry's speed that don't seem credible just like they have the problem of Barry so often saying he can't do something then doing just that thing. They foreshadowed Barry's healing too much in the first act. She'd have been worried if he didn't heal so

    Seriously. That last 20 minutes were among the best 20 minutes that the show has ever put together.

    Beasts of No Nation is a step in the right direction, and now this. They are backing interesting artists with a point of view. And Adam Sandler. But hey, nobody's perfect.

    Variety Shows are a very natural form of entertainment everywhere but on television and film. They date back to when people would gather around a fire and try to entertain each other. Some might sing, one may tell a story, one guy will show how he's really good at carving wood. Sure, you had to sit through some

    Pffft. Thanks Earth 1 Obama!

    That's exactly what I was thinking. Oh, Wells is a good guy and Zoom is Evil Barry. But then I think Wells as a character is much more fun when evil and Zoom being E-2 Barry is a little too "comic book obvious."

    He's not dead. He'll eventually morph out of it. Happens to Sandma… er, Sand DEMON had been turned to glass a lot.

    No, but you sure would be complaining.