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    The funny thing is that all the jerks who are saying "so she's making 20 million instead of 22" would be yelling if they were in a business where they were more qualified and making a lot less. They put up the numbers as a straw man. It's not about the numbers. It's about principle. Bigger or equal talent. Same

    Even where unions mandate fair pay scales it doesn't always happen because women don't get promoted. I have a friend who had a baby and was told by her boss, "I guess you don't want to advance here." Union job. Her word against his.

    I think we are burying the lead here. She loves circuses? Has she been to clown college? Can she fly on a trapeeze?

    Right. And you, go work anyplace where you make less than people who are lower on the food chain. It's not about the numbers, it's about the fact that women are paid less for comparable work than men.

    There are some directors who make two or three movies that are so good they get a lifetime pass even though the rest of their stuff was maybe just decent or less (I'm looking at you, Francis Ford Coppala). The Devil's Backbone, Pan's Labyrinth, and Chronos are so damn good in different ways that he gets to be beloved

    Gothic horror is about crazy, bored white people cloistered away in a big house because the things that inspired it were indeed crazy, bored white people cloistered away in a big house. Aristocrats in that era were somewhat in-bread and sometimes unstable due to it. Visual hallucinations were considered to be ghosts

    I saw "Green Room" and the only thing that was scary about it was the fact that they expected me to believe that those girls waiting there really thought it was an audition.

    It's not the ghost that's scary. It's what the ghost represents.

    Black Guardian! Because when people are mentioning things like this someone has to bring up the Black Guardian and it might as well be me I guess.

    that's what she…. what?…. 9 years too late for that joke? Ok.

    He entered his Sean Connery phase pretty quickly, didn't he?

    Ah, there is nothing like a good old fashioned Flash Appreciation Day to jump start a villain of the week plot. You gotta wonder why they keep having ceremonies and opening museums for the guy when you just know someone's going to try to blow something up at some point, even if it is just a hot-dog cart.

    Everything's better with Larry "Bud" Melman. Drop him in any episode with Dick van Patten and Arte Jhonson, put together a long lost cousins b story… bada bing, bada boom, instant classic. *chomps cigar, shouts into large desk phone* Jeff! Make it happen! What, it's cancelled? Ok next idea… the love boat on a

    1980 was full of weird musicals. This, Popeye, Can't Stop the Music, The Apple. There were also more normal ones like The Jazz Singer, Fame, and The Blues Brothers.

    My whole reaction to this scene was "Hold the long shot!"

    This will be vastly more inexpensive. No makeup or period pieces or steam-punky technology to build.

    I would like to recommend a movie I haven't seen. It's called "Rocket Crocodile and the World of Tomorrow." I give it 5 out of 5 Amazings.

    I think that, in the end, this helps the film. Lime seems to never exist in any real solid form even after the Wells reveal. His size is always a little different, gate a little changed, hands don't seem to match. He is magnetic and menacing when face to face but when he wants to disappear he is unrecognizable.

    His hair looks fantastic in this. Absolutely fantastic.

    Sorry. They are planning "Little Wedgie Needs to Fly." The good news is Werner Herzog is attached.