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    Lobot: Origins

    As long as is has Chewbacca…

    I know everyone will be posting their particular favorites, so..

    She's Mockingbird. She's is presented in comics as near equal to Black Widow and above about every other non-superpowered fighter male of female.

    It's not sexist. That comment is really about ethics in Hugo Award journalism… or something….

    I think he's doing a great job. I loved how he didn't quite know how to react in the morning when Vanessa was around for breakfast, especially how jumped a little when she was behind him

    Fisk's mom wasn't a victim, but she was strong. Once Fatty brained his father she went to work doing all sorts of practical things, like chopping the body up, and that took a lot of guts.

    It's impossible for me to not read your last line in Stan Lee's voice: "For more details on Black Sky, don't miss 'Iron Fist' #1, True Believer!" There has to be a "True Believer "at the end.

    It's a mystical thing. You'll learn more about it in Iron Fist, Defenders, or possibly Daredevil Season 2 if they make a Season 2. They haven't announced it yet but I'm going to guess it's likely to get a Season 2.

    In your honor, sir.
    Angel Dance, Los Lobos, 1991

    Wow, Wilson Fisk really cleaned up this part of town. Good job, big guy!

    From what I can see his goal is simple: power. If Hell's Kitchen is going to be rebuilt it will be under his hand and under his control. He'll own every above board source of revenue - new buildings, businesses, etc. Doing so legally will take time and cost more. Keeping the crime high but under his control makes

    Kind of off topic: Sandler and one of his directors of choice, Frank Coraci (Zookeeper, Blended, Here Comes the Book, Click) have cast Terry Crews and Will Forte in an upcoming Sandler led comedy western. I swear to God, if they screw up the careers of Crews and Forte I'm coming for them with honey and fire ants.

    I was wondering why this exists, then I saw two things. First, "A Happy Madison Productions." Seems like Sandler is throwing an out of work buddy a paycheck. Second "Only on Crackle," a free streaming service owned by Sony who's 2015 lineup of 9 films contains 3 Adam Sandler films, a fact a famous leaked e-mail

    Honestly, no matter how much they humanize Fisk he's still absolutely, completely hateable. Unlike most other Marvel villains I both want to see him get his butt handed to him AND want him to come back, be completely hateable, and get his butt handed to him.

    He said "probably." That should negate any consequence of his statement should it not be accurate.

    I'm taking this one slowly as I'm not a binge watcher. Fisk seems like he's a great antagonist - the kind of character for whom you may know the forced tragic backstory but still keep thinking "you sonofabitch" every time he shows up.

    Daredevil is a going for a very different feel than Flash, Agents, or even Arrow. It's like saying you should compare a Bond film, Confessions of a Dangerous Mind, Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy, and Black Book because they are spy films. Everything is different.

    I just saw the first episode. The fight choreography was excellent. It's nice to see coherent, hardcore fight scenes. I think we are slowly moving away from the "hypercut shakeycam" style. The confessional scene drags a little too long, but other than that I'm pretty much in.

    The part of John Wayne Gacy Jr. that gets me every time is the coda at the end. "And in my best behavior I'm really just like him." It's possibly the most theological line he's ever written.