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    The earlier episodes are so strong that even a decline into a mixed quality is very jarring. I think binge watching makes the dip even more dramatic.

    She was the most well developed character next to Kimmie.

    The last 2 or 3 minutes on the sand were good. The rest of the court scenes were just as you described. Just a little too much and tonally off.

    I'm more or less ok with this, but I really hope they drop it as a major plot point. It works but not as well as they seem to think it works.

    You know you're gonna go blind with a name like that.

    They've pulled a time travel reset that doesn't feel like a cheat and a psychic Gorilla. Every show could take lessons from this. That's right. I'm talking to you, "Two Broke Girls."

    Oh, I get it. Like Well is his mentor but is secretly evil.

    Not upset. Disappointed.

    I'm just about right on board with you. The Rev. in the courtroom is not the same level of evil as in the bunker scenes. I understand that's the point, how on the surface he was a charming goof like the rest of the town but underground he's manipulative and evil. The extreme "top" Rev. was a failure. He should

    Sara Chase. You mean Sara Chase doesn't get enough credit.

    Cyndee's Hulkomania may be my favorite running joke. It's perfectly of the time the girls were captured, it shows how stir crazy she must have been, and it's funny.

    Ok, now that the cheap joke is gone I sort of agree with you. I know one victim of serial abuse as a teenager whose abuser got away basically because he's just so "nice" and had the prosecutor more or less falling in line with the "how could HE have done this" theory. I didn't think my reaction might have been based

    "charismatic monsters who get away with everything because they're clever and they dress up everything they said in "but God says so" and bystanders give them a pass."

    What I like is that the characters worked on the level of pure incompetence even if you didn't get the Clark/Darden joke.

    Eh. Seen worse in the library.

    I'm a librarian and honestly feel that sign should be standard issue at all the computer locations.

    Oh God, Hartman would have nailed it!

    See, that's a GREAT line but in the context of the trial it really didn't work for me. It was a little bit too wacky.

    I mostly agree. The trial itself was a dead zone, but Hamm would have been good in another context, and some of the things around the trial were good. We'll get to that, though.

    It appeared to be the TCM studio.