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    I think they had time to go back and edit some things back in, but the rough cut may have made someone go… hmmmmm

    For the reason you said - the bloated second act - I think the show is about 20 minutes longer than it should be. The first act is a good setup, the second act is important to the trajectory of the play but there is a moment where most of the audience will get what's happening. The act needs to end there. Instead

    I loved how they developed Xan here, but I'm worried that the ending set her up to be an antagonist again next season. I don't want her to be all cuddly and sweet with Kimmy but I definitely don't want her to go back to always trying to "get" her.

    I almost died when they all did the hand move down each other's chests and it cut to Robert Osbourne.

    Best line in the series.

    I think that "Daddy's Boy" is about where NBC started getting cold feet. Network TV probably draws the line at gay incest jokes that also hint at rape.

    The best thing about that is she gave Xan a long life in one of the sickest burns I've ever heard. It was go good i'm going to start using it.

    I love the hints the show drops about the deplorable life Kimmy had in the bunker. From the weird sex things to the mystery crank to the filth bucket. It's so remarkably, wonderfully dark.

    You never need a reason to buy crazy straws. Never.

    Here's the link, thanks to your friendly neighborhood librarian:

    More people need to see "A Serious Man." If any Cohen Brothers film can be said to be underrated it's that one, even though it was nominated for best picture at the Oscars and Globes

    He's a recurring character on Gotham, but really why would you watch that. For good recent work by him I suggest the Cohen Brother's "A Serious Man."

    He's one of those indispensable character actors that gets me automatically excited when they show up.

    "Pino Noir"'s talk singing verses reminded me very much of the name dropping section of the Madonna song "Voge." "Pino Noir, your a star, listen to Tom Berrin-gar" has almost the same and self affirming style as "they had style, they had grace, Rita Hayworth gave good face." I take it as a given that Titus is into

    Oh, dangit. I was thinking about Lillian. There is no excuse for my mistake. I hang my head in shame.

    After watching the whole season I think they had a good arc planned for Titus and an interesting direction for season 2. Jacqueline never rises above joke machine. Glorious, glorious joke machine.

    Star Wars Battlefront seems like a think Tina Fey would be into, considering all the Star Wars jokes that were in 30 Rock.

    It's very dangerous to change something like this mid stream. I hope they are smart enough to keep what works.

    He's a really great sketch comic who specializes in absurd yet human grotesques.

    Even the hair! Now I'm starting to think only Martin Short could have played this role.