A guy I know drove 3 hours to a Wal-Mart at 2 in the morning to buy a case of Ecto Cooler last month. Now Amazon has it and would have brought it to his door. This guy is a fool.
A guy I know drove 3 hours to a Wal-Mart at 2 in the morning to buy a case of Ecto Cooler last month. Now Amazon has it and would have brought it to his door. This guy is a fool.
Network that cancelled Deadwood and John From Cincinnati learn that renewing their best shows is actually a good idea.
Of course they do this 2 weeks after I buy it on DVD. Why am I persecuted?
I'd put Zach Lowe right there with Reddick and Simmons. Pretty fascinating pod with Hinkie this week, especially after the news that he resigned the next day.
Really bummed about Cheap Heat, but I'm curious to see how their podcasts will be now. Rosenberg said he and Greg will keep going with a different co-host or guest every week, but I'm worried it just won't be as intriguing without Shoemaker. Likewise, Shoemaker really needs a good host for his show to work and I'm not…
This is one of the more Clickbaity AV Club headlines I've ever seen. You knew we would only click this to say that You're the Worst is better. And it worked.
Except for the 15 rap songs he made.
Will Conway is the man that Republicans wanted Marco Rubio to be.
This guy should stick to pro wrestling drunk history youtube videos.
Big thanks to LeBron James for making this happen.
When Steve Harvey retires can we replace him with Key and/or Peele. One of them was great on the Always Sunny Family Feud episode.
Are life threatening Arby's meals part of David's job description? http://www.avclub.com/artic…
Glad to see Secret Skin getting some attention, but I didn't like this episode. That Fantano guy just seems like a total creep. Apparently he's one of those "men's rights" assholes as well.
Can Bean's father be Dalton WIlcox?
I'm not so sure about that. Music publications gave him more attention for calling people rednecks and dissing Kurt Vile's old band than they ever did for making amazing albums. I don't understand how Benji got more press coverage than Rollercoaster and April.
"Mark Kozelek, has built a nice career out of creating songs and albums
made up of intricately produced acoustic guitar arrangements married
with deeply confessional, meandering lyrics that come across more like
diary entries than anything else."
How so?
Anything involving the military is inherently propaganda?
I agree, I think it sounds like a longer version of a This American Life story, which is what Serial was always advertised as being in the first place. Season 1 struck gold with its subject, but now I just think it's an intriguing show in the same way This American Life is an intriguing show. They certainly aren't as…
I'm really surprised by how much people dislike season 2. It's not as intriguing as a murder mystery, but I think it's still a fascinating story.