
I think that the Broad City ladies would eat Shosh for breakfast and quickly move on to more substantial fare.

I was guessing that too and I'm willing to roll with it because it's already my favorite storyline.

I think that Mimi Rose is my new favorite girl on Girls. And I love the focus on Adam and Ray. It feels very organic to me and I prefer them anyways!

The tone just felt to me like it didn't ring true to the events as they were happening, either as a comedy or a sincere show of friends coming over to offer sage advice. It sounds to me like you didn't find fault with that like I did. The tone just felt confused and grasping the whole episode, and not in a good way.

I actually like this show! It's fun and has some good performances. It's not a show I feel I need to analyze and maybe that's why I find it enjoyable. I like how it has some campy elements mixed with more horrific ones.

Maybe I wasn't clear enough with my first comment. The way this story
unfolded seemed so unrealistic to me and just played for laughs and
shock value. Yes, they are selfish people, but badly-written selfish

I have not always disliked it, and this episode was a stand-out to me in terms of my grievances. I intended my comments to be genuine, and am trying to come from a place of discussing how I feel about this episode. I was hoping to see some progress with the characters, some growth — I think that overall, the show is

I've always liked Edith and feel she has been written poorly and inconsistently. I'm happy that she is now most likely independently wealthy and has some control over her child. For 1920s Britain, her plan for her child makes the most sense — plus I'm ok with the contrivance of keeping things in one locale. If I

I love this, but who's the stable one here?? I wouldn't want any of these people picking me up at the hospital or jail!

Well, she is friends with Jessa……

Ha! I would much rather see this "deranged children in a victorian horror film" story than what we have been subjected to. I'm not buying it —- it feels like cheap emotions and cheap writing. It's like I don't care any more where these kids end up.

I think that Hannah was a bit mean to them first, really….. But it is too bad, because I liked the Iowa people so much better than the Brooklyn folks!

My thoughts exactly! And what makes it worse is that the writers seem to think that people act that way…. it just seemed designed by the writers to get some shock from us viewers…..

Maybe I'm just getting tired of the selfish, childish antics of almost all of the characters on this show, but I really didn't like this episode. The lack of communication that Adam and Hannah have displayed, no one asking Hannah about why she left Iowa, with the only emphasis was on her feelings for Adam, etc. —- It

Also, I feel like Norma is almost as crazy as Norman and Norman has been protecting his mother just as much, esp in the first season. Any sane mom would move again and get some medical help.

I liked this episode because of the drug stuff! Or rather I liked how it seems to be tying the pieces about the drug groups together. We will see if it works better than last seasons subplots.

I can't say that I disagree with the reviewers take on marriage equality, but I thought it was wonderful and subversive to highlight some lovable straight folks who like to play with gender. It's really more in the true drag spirit and it keeps to the C.U.N.T. ethos. Subversive fun, and let's lighten up!