
If you can't do it on a slide rule, it's not worth doing.

she is then forced to pay a small fine

I find the idea that it's impossible to tell if this is real or not pretty interesting. Not sure that it'd make for an entertaining movie to plunk down $10 to watch, but an interesting art idea nonetheless.


Thanks for the link suggestions fellas! I'll check em out tonight.

Cloudy with a chance of BLAM!!

There are still radio stations?

Haven't been able to find that roast clip anywhere recently. Anyone got a link? His delivery is brilliant.

Heheh, I notice things like that. I don't have a copy so I can't confirm it. It's gotta be fairly early on though, I usually don't get through more than the first ten minutes of erotica. Fifteen, if I think about baseball.


Deep Throat
Anyone seen the *ahem* erotic film Deep Throat from the 70s? There's an early seen in that in an apartment or office or something where a picture in the background looks very much like that Kramer portrait.

I would definitely agree - it's the one that got me into him.

Hmm I guess I was wrong and that people did in fact give it some props. I know the critics liked it.

Van Lear Rose is truly outstanding. It should've been a smash hit since it would appeal to fans of several different genres. But did it? I've only run into a person or two that were even aware it existed.

Juggalos eat dingleberries straight from the tree.

Scott Pilgrim kicks ass. What's not to love in that movie? It was difficult to find a place in town to see it, I had to travel across the city. That might have something to do with why it isn't raking in the dough.

I'm a professional student these days. You can disparage the grad school choice all you like, but the reality is:

Heheh I noticed that too. Somehow I doubt she's familiar with that title.

Well if they're not the ones producing children's toys covered in lead, then WHO WILL?!

Good one Crackity Jones, I was about to mention The Newsroom. A show that is definitely on par with Office original.