
It's like going to the wading pool in the summer and NOT bringing dark sunglasses and a large towel to put across your lap.

ZEE GOGGLES …. oh, someone beat me too it. Man, when will this avatar pay off!?

Please allow me to pile on with the big ups to Boris' live performance. They are gargantuan.

How could a fish eat laughs?

That sounds like a few of my friends. "I should watch this. I should watch that. I have it all downloaded but haven't watched it"

It has been interesting to see how alt rock slides to commercial hip hop over the years on these things.

Did you see him get sacked by the magnet?! Oh man, that stuff is gold Jerry! Gold!

I was recently at a campus event that featured two spoken word artists. Awful, awful stuff.

Oh boy!
Sleep! That's where I'm a Viking!

Then Again, Maybe I won't … biznatches.

This topic reminds me of a personal mantra I had when I was dating: if it sounds like something Tom Hanks would say to Meg Ryan, then DON'T say it and stop bullshitting yourself!

Yeah the commenting on this site definitely drops a couple dozen IQ points over July-August

The statement "all Picasso did" did is completely absurd. As if to say the man just thought up a *new genre of art* while taking a dump one day. Like many great, profound artists, he made what he did look easy.

I thought the point of Zodiac was to explore the character of people who are obsessed with puzzles and solving puzzles just for the sake of it. Knowing that, I certainly didn't expect it to be an action thriller and greatly enjoyed it on its own terms.

Heart is also excellent. I'd put it close to SYOF quality-wise. Everything they've done since has been meh for me. But I still like those two albums.

I like the Soft Bulletin and Yoshimi more than I like the Flaming Lips. They're ok I guess. But, why would anyone cover Dark Side of the Moon? Seriously? You think you can improve the original? I don't think so. Make some new stuff!

That squirrel was a rascal.

don't hate.

I meant to say 'not much of a metal head anymore' … still love it as a genre but don't listen to it exclusively like I did, once upon a time.

Three cheers for Neurosis. Their albums are just steamrollers. I'm not much of a metal head but I still have huge respect for Through Silver In Blood and Sun That Never Sets.