
If this were on HBO they might cancel it after the third season and leave everyone hanging …. forever.

Couldn't possibly be more braindead than show after show of douchey know it alls fixin' motorbikes.

I would also love to see this.

I saw that movie when I around 10 years old an still remember it clearly. Yowza. That gif is great.

Maybe you should try? Good lord, sir, maybe you should.

Jimmy Page is a diva? That's the first I've heard of it. Maybe he used to dress like one.

Crikey Tuggah!

I usually just ignore people who aren't registered. You got something to say, sign up Douchey McWhoCaresWhatYouHaveToSay!

Crikey Tuggah! These Indies ain't even puttin' up a foight!

Ooooh look!
It's Russell Crowe!

As if people who listen to the radio actually LISTEN to music.

S.C.I.E.N.C.E. was and is a top notch and fresh-sounding album. Unfortunately, Incubus' later jock rock efforts cast a long shadow obscuring their earlier good work.

No, I believe he's a cubicle filler at one of those spreasheet factories.

I was in a band in 2001 where we were trying to do inventive stuff. If we did a cover of NIN "Hurt" we did it using only vocals and the hiss and noise from amplifiers with nothing plugged into them.

I watched this as it aired on CBC … I did find it a bit slow moving, but otherwise enjoyed it. I wasn't expecting them to replicate the genius of the best Kids In The Hall skits, but then that show was verrrry hit and miss anyways.

Q: What do you get when you throw a baby down the stairs?

Remember when high scores on video games actually meant something?

Fuck Batman.

Playing in a (good) metal band requires serious chops, I believe that makes it impossible to do (well) ironically.

Let it drag on forever? Haven't they already tried that?