
My vote is for "A Skull Full of Maggots"

I missed most of my prom. I was busy outside vomiting on the wall of the Best Western.

I'm more of a Tiger-Zebra man myself.

If golf is a sport, then so is croquet. Hey! That makes me an ATHLETE!!

Rolls out a wheelbarrow full of tacos … "Ahh, this should provide adequate sustenance for the Doctor Who marathon"

In my travellin' days I went to Amsterdam and got a plastic produce box of fresh magic mushrooms from a smart shop. They tasted OK. Similar to, but not as pungent as dried. The texture was certainly a little strange.

Your opinions are as interesting as they are well thought out. Cheers.

Santa Claus has really let himself go.

Ahh yeah, that motorcycle scene is brilliant. It's set up perfectly the way pee wee is acting all badass as the biker wishes him well just before he pulls out. And then swerves out control right through a billboard.

I'm guessing there's a good chance there'll be a separate list for comedy performances. But who am I to say; I'm only one man.

Hey! The late nineties just called! They'd like their french big-beat back!

I can remember when matinees at the second run theatre in my neighbourhood were $2. $2 Canadian! That was in the mid 90s. Not so long ago.

Good point Totz Jr., and I try not to let the hating go off the rails like a crazy train. I don't hate Girl Talk and really don't mind hearing it.

Oh man. I don't hate, but strongly non-enjoy what I've heard of Girl Talk. I recognize the talent it takes to assemble something like Feed the Animals. To me, it's the audio equivalent of a Scary Movie.

If they want to be truly viral they should post that confrontation as if it actually was filmed by some civilian on their cell phone.

special secret to telling a joke : don't start it off by saying "you wanna hear a joke?"

If you're ranking Queens albums and you leave out the self titled one, I'm not so sure you should be ranking them at all. Should probably also toss a Kyuss album or two into that salad.

With the exception of Bender's Game I thought the movies were pretty decent. I laughed quite a few times. I mean, I wasn't expecting them to win the Nobel Prize for animated comedy or anything.

I'm starting to think that to label someone or something 'pretentious' is, in itself, pretentious.

Got something against Canada?
How could Kenny vs. Spenny not be on this list? It should be #1, hands down :D