
I have judged you. Your fate is decided: death by 1000 budda buddas! Or if you choose, you may listen to those three 'choice cuts' from Tragic Kingdom until you confess that Gwen Stefani is in fact an intergalactic space prostitute.

Robot Chicken was hilaaaarious until that rip I took off the wizard-glass wore off. Then I hit the kitchen for a snack attack, bra.

Or more importantly, can they squeeze my lemon in such a way as to make me fall right out of bed?

I was walking home one day and two douchebags from the headshop across the road from my apartment were sitting on the curb playing What I Got.

I listen to most of their songs as if I'd heard them 100X before, and I'm definitely tired of them

Good lord! Are these real raisins in this plum-duff?!

If computers burst into flames any time you gave them a problem they couldn't resolve then research and software development work would be the priciest of endeavors.

You know why? Because I gets mine Larry, I brings the ruckus to the ladies.

I actually got a good dry rasper going during the Care Bears movie too, but I was watching it alone … in the dark … so it wasn't as big a deal.

shum things in here don't react well to bulletsh

my favourite part of this movie is how I saw it when our highschool music director (long long ago) screened it for the music department and I accidentally ripped a big one during it. I'm pretty sure everyone could hear it. Somehow the event didn't haunt me, surprising for something like that happening in high school.

didn't he play an obituaries editor in So I Married An Axe Murderer as well? I know I could check imdb and find out, but I'm a lazy, lazy man.

Perhaps overconfident?

I'd give him props for the heartiest of evil laughs. I listened to the laugh at the beginning of A,B, and C at least six times in a row!

Yes obviously some parts were meant to be funny and there were some moments where he was being very serious. Only the dumbest of the dumb can't tell the difference when they hear it. I'm surprised to hear people defending the Letterman audience.

Especially with all the braying donkeys in the audience laughing and clapping at every pause throughout the confession. Granted, Letterman did actually crack some jokes during it, but still.

Haven't you guys seen "This Movie Is Not Yet Rated"? Highly, highly recommended to anyone who is a fan of film. You'll find it very enlightening about the ways the MPAA and their ratings work.

And I'd also agree that a Kid Rock Cruise is utterly mind-boggling in its dumbosity.

I would say the former was also incredibly stupid, but it took me a few second's thought to realize it. You're going to travel the world to go from pub to pub? If that's your plan, then you are incredible stupid. I mean, if you go on a trip and that's what happens it's ok, but if you plan to do something like that:

Tear it up! This. party. is dreamy! Dreamy party!