
Wow! When did everyone get so jaded? What's wrong with a writer partly basing his work on personal experience? Isn't that what novelists and short story writers do all the time? Just because Loeb doesn't write to your precious standards doesn't mean he's a bad writer or has bad ideas.

Wow! When did everyone get so jaded? What's wrong with a writer partly basing his work on personal experience? Isn't that what novelists and short story writers do all the time? Just because Loeb doesn't write to your precious standards doesn't mean he's a bad writer or has bad ideas.

You guys should DEFINITELY start covering YJ! It's a great show akin to the quality and complexity of Justice League and JLU.

When did plot summary make for a good critique? It wouldn't be so bad if the author didn't consistently repeat herself about her various hang-ups about the fantasy scenes of a fantasy show.