
No In-N-Out? This list is invalid.

But Chef was awesome.

[Insert joke about vampirism here.]

On the one hand, Statham is a hell of an action star and watching him punch things is always entertaining even when the movie in which all that's happening isn't. So I'll undoubtedly get around to seeing this one eventually.

Tom Hardy would do it.

Oh, there ARE pictures in this article…

No more Furious 7?!?!?!?!??

All things considered, I can think of worse things to have as an overplayed trope than awesomely shot and choreographed claustrophobic fight scenes.

You say that as if it didn't…

Martha Devil.

Rosario Dawson and Jon Bernthal have chemistry with everyone.

That's… that's four weapons.


Model handsome? Might be pushing it.

"Oh, Brunhilda. You're so lovely."
"Yes, I know it. I can't help it."

The AV Club turned into my Facebook feed so slowly I didn't even notice…

He does.

VHS tapes.

There was. Taking away a bunch of those tax credits is already starting to change that.