
The answer you were looking for, with that Sasha question, is…

This reminds me of a short film I saw at TIFF a few years ago, shot entirely on a guy's desktop, with a setting across all of social media. Essentially, he was suspicious of who his girlfriend was talking to online, with the jealousy spiral not unknown to those who grew up in the early days of Facebook during high

Whose Tumblr Is It Anyway?; where the rules of what's right/wrong to say are made up and the actual points being made don't matter.

Way to plant, Sam!

"Doctors hate him! Learn how to turn a Simpsons episode into a movie with this one weird trick!"

*Taps microphone* "April is the cruelest month, cruelest month."

Minus reasoned arguments.

The C stands for Confirmation bias.

Science is a liar sometimes.

Until it stops being true:

S7ar Wars: 7 Force 7 Furious

Hey look, Asher's a character. Took them long enough to figure that out.

Get out of here, Stalker!

Wierdest reference you'll likely see; Dan O'Toole from Fox Sports 1 is right.
The chorus from "Black Widow Baby" DOES sound like a young child adorably saying "Bwack Wittle Baby"

Talk about Mom on "Pop"!

Donny Most > Colin Jost

In which Mayim Bialik puts the entire world on Candid Camera by revealing she actually believed that vaccinations are good for you the entire time!

"Kim Kardashian: Hollywood is the best thing that has ever happened to me."

"Your guide to the Star Wars Expanded Universe"
By: Disney Executives