
Yeah, she was the only one I was certain wouldn't die. I don't see why they'd just kill her on the battlefield like that so far away from the finale.

Well, of course. How else was he able to get so many in such a short time?

To be fair, his original plans were good ideas. They just fell through because of Euron's surprise attack and Cersei being able to convince the Tarlys to turn on Olenna.

Yeah, but the show indicated that Dorne was perfectly okay with her usurpation. No one but Hotah did anything to stop her from killing Doran. So, it's safe to assume that all of the Martell's bannermen would have remained loyal to her after she took over.

She's starting to lose it with all these defeats. We're starting to see a little of The Mad King come out of her.

Well, that show will have two other showrunners. So, you never know. Though, I do wonder how GRRM is gonna adapt these last few seasons into his last books. Hopefully, he can somehow fix the mistakes.

Is anyone else still pissed off that they killed Barristan Selmy? I mean, he's supposed to be the best fighter ever, and they just killed him off by a bunch of rich kids who didn't wanna give up their slaves. Fucking hell!

This is why I hate that the showrunners don't give a shit about royal succession. It makes no Goddamn sense that Dorne would just sit on the sidelines after their ruler was taken prisoner. After they've been built up as being independent and loving to fight, why would they just sit out a fight now? They really

Yeah, but "Doctor Who" streamlines the whole process.

Not even Ed O'Neill wonders about that!

And, here I thought Pat was awful because it was a one-joke character that stopped being funny after 30 seconds but was stretched out into a recurring character AND a movie for some reason.

They did that? Why?

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*listens to this explanation for the 15th time*

Seriously. I understand if the show ended on a cliffhanger, like with Twin Peaks, or was unjustly canceled, like with Firefly. But, fuck! Roseanne was on the air for 9 seasons. It had its time. Let it go and give us something new!

This is a joist's world, but it would be nothing without a beam or a stud.

All that hard work of raising the city only for it to be destroyed in a fire a few years later.

Maybe you don't remember.

I thought Macaulay Culkin was killed by hornets in "My Girl."

More like a stocking upset!